Plugins used: code, slash, emoji, attachment. View source on GitHub.
Plugins used: code, emoji. View source on GitHub.
Plugins used: math, tikz. View source on GitHub.
Here is a list of examples made using Carta and some of its plugins.GitHub
Press ESC then TAB to move the focus off the field
Plugins used: code, slash, emoji, attachment. View source on GitHub.
Press ESC then TAB to move the focus off the field
Plugins used: code, emoji. View source on GitHub.
Math Stack Exchange
Press ESC then TAB to move the focus off the field
Here is a formula:
And here is a circuit:
\begin{circuitikz} \draw
(0,0) to[battery] (0,4)
to[ammeter] (4,4) -- (4,0)
to[lamp] (0,0)
Plugins used: math, tikz. View source on GitHub.
Created by BearToCode