
Getting Started


Installing the core package:

npm i carta-md

Installing plugins:

npm i @cartamd/plugin-name


Setup a basic editor:

	import { Carta, MarkdownEditor } from 'carta-md';
	import 'carta-md/default.css'; /* Default theme */

	const carta = new Carta({
		// Remember to use a sanitizer to prevent XSS attacks!
		// More on that below
		// sanitizer: ...

	let value = '';

<MarkdownEditor {carta} bind:value />

	/* Set your monospace font (Required to have the editor working correctly!) */
	:global(.carta-font-code) {
		font-family: '...', monospace;
		font-size: 1.1rem;

Or, if you just want to render content:

	import { Carta, Markdown } from 'carta-md';

	const carta = new Carta({
		/* ... */

	let value = '...';

<Markdown {carta} {value} />


The <Markdown> component is not reactive. If you want to make it reactive, you can either create your own component using the render function provided by the Carta class, or use Svelte #key block:

{#key value}
	<Markdown {carta} {value} />

Beware that rendering Markdown can become quite resources-expensive, especially if you are using different plugins.


By default Carta does not sanitize user input, which can include malicious code that could lead to XSS attacks. For this reason it is strongly recommended to install a package that handles that for you.

Since Carta operates both on the server and the client, you’d need a sanitizer able to work in both environments, for example isomorphic-dompurify or sanitize-html. Here is an example using the former, which requires minimum configuration.

	// Your other stuff...
	import DOMPurify from 'isomorphic-dompurify';

	const carta = new Carta({
		sanitizer: DOMPurify.sanitize

	let value = '';

<MarkdownEditor {carta} bind:value />


While the <Markdown> component is SSR compatible and allows you to pre-render some content on the server, it has some limitations and drawbacks:

  1. It cannot render content requiring asynchronous code execution(for example plugin-code);
  2. For the previous reason, it also needs to render the same markdown on the client. This requires the client to import this library and then render the new HTML, which can slow down the page, especially if you are using different plugins.

This can be avoided by pre-rendering the whole content on the server, which can also be improved further by storing/caching the rendered HTML(this implementation is up to you).

For example, in SvelteKit:

// +page.server.ts

// Path to an server-side static Carta instance
import { carta } from '$lib/path/to/carta';

export const load: PageServerLoad = async () => {
	const markdown = /* ... */;

	const html = await carta.render(markdown);

	return {
<!-- +page.svelte -->
	import PreRendered from 'carta-md';

	export let data;

<PreRendered html={data.html} />
Handmade by Davide