

This plugin adds support for mapping certain elements to components inside the editor.


npm i @cartamd/plugin-component


Mapping components

The first thing to do is to map certain elements(nodes) to their corresponding components. For example, if you want to use a custom renderer for images:

<!-- Image.svelte -->
  export let src;
  export let alt;

<!-- Your custom component... -->
<img {src} {alt} />
import { Carta } from 'carta-md';
import { component } from '@cartamd/plugin-component';
import { svelte, initializeComponents } from '@cartamd/plugin-component/svelte';
import Image from './Image.svelte';

const mapped = [svelte('img', Image) /* other components ... */];

const carta = new Carta({
  extensions: [component(mapped, initializeComponents)]
  // ...

Custom logic

You can use custom logic when selecting which nodes to map:

import { svelteCustom } from '@cartamd/plugin-component/svelte';
import MyComponent from '...';

const mapped = [
    (node) => {
      // Do something with the node to determine whether to replace it
  ) /* other components ... */

Using <slot />

To render children, you need to use a custom <Slot /> component:

<!-- Heading.svelte -->
  import { Slot } from '@cartamd/plugin-component/svelte';

  <Slot />

Usage with pre-rendering

When pre-rendering content on the server (using the <PreRendered> component), the components will not be mounted by default. You need to use the initializeComponents function yourself.

  import { initializeComponents } from '@cartamd/plugin-component/svelte';
  import { onMount } from 'svelte';
  // ...

  export let data;

  let container;

  // Needs access to the mapped components
  const mapped = [
    /* ... */

  onMount(() => {
    initializeComponents(mapped, container);

<div bind:this={container}>
  <PreRendered html={data.html} />


  • During server-side rendering, embedded styles for the mapped components are not added to the bundle. Use a dedicated stylesheet instead.
  • <svelte:head> is not available during server-side rendering.
Created by BearToCode